Why I’m happy I went to a community college first…

My story…

Most of the time, students are pushed to pick a career before they get into college. Somehow you are suppose to know what you want to do for the rest of your life, when you haven’t even learned to live on your own or what your true passions are. So, like everyone else, I picked a career and a suitable college to go with it. At the time, I was taking care of my sick mother while going to high school. I cooked, I cleaned, and I ran the household while my dad was away on business trips. I thought maybe my mother had been sick for a reason, possibly caring for my mom would better prepare me to care for other people who are sick. So there is was…the major of my choice “nursing.” Boy was I wrong. It was actually because of my mom that I was unable to become a nurse. I hated to see people go through what she went through and I couldn’t handle how depressing the job could be. I give a huge praise to those who can handle being a nurse.

Then I went on to find my true passions and learning more about myself. I switched from taking the prerequisites of nursing to just taking the general education course for any degree. I even jump around to some fun classes to see what I really enjoyed. My classes ranged from religion, art, and physical education to economics, building your own business, and accounting (all for $26 a unit at the time). That when I realized that I was a business woman at heart and I wanted to transfer to get my Bachelors in Business.

indexReasons community college worked for me:

1. It was a low cost way to find my true passions and switch majors if I needed too.

2. My teachers seemed to take a huge interest in my success.

3. It was an easier to change from part-time to full-time and vice-verse.

4. It was easy to transfer to a University.

5. It was easier to get into the classes that you needed.

Yes, there are some pros to going straight to the college of your choice. This article is just explaining why community college was beneficial for me.

Educational Advice: Think About What You Are Wearing…

It is very interesting how many people show up to class wearing PJ’s or sweatpants onĀ  a daily basis. Some students don’t think about how this could effect their careers. I’m not saying you need to come to class wearing a suit everyday, but at least put some thought into what your outfit is saying about you. Do you look like you didn’t even get ready in the morning? Do you dress inappropriately? Just a few things to think about when getting ready in the morning…

Here are a few major reasons why you should care about how you look when you step into the classroom:

#1 Your teacher knows people in your fields of study and could be a great recommendation for you. If you are a great student but they feel like you wouldn’t represent professionalism, you may be shooting yourself in the foot.

#2 Your classmates may already work for the companies you wants to work for.

#3 You never know who you are going to run into.pjs

Educational Advice: Meet Your Classmates

Class Room

Class Room (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Your sitting in the classroom waiting for the teacher to walk in. There is only one other student near you. I know you might not want to talk to anyone, but getting to know this student may be very helpful in the future. Think of a question to ask or compliment them on their laptop bag.

This person may be able to give you notes when you miss class due to a flat tire. This person may give you their number so you can ask them questions about their homework. This person may be the same major as you and know some good teachers to take. This person may work at the place you want to work. At very least, this person may just be someone cool to talk to while your waiting for class to start. This person could end up being a long time friend.

So, the next time your in class and just waiting for class to start, I challenge you to talk to someone.